Words and Your Heart – Book Review

Author Kate Jane Neal is new to the world of illustration. Her ink lines and use of colour are direct, free and lively. The emotional and spiritual resonances in the story are all encapsulated in the refrain “The little bit inside of you that makes you, you!”

100th Arrest All Mimics

As an Illustrator, it wasn’t part of the plan to start a podcast, but writing about the experience of transforming my passion into a profession opened unexpected doors.

Cardiff Illustration Radio: Interview with Amelia Johnstone

Radio Cardiff is a community radio station, community is an important part of it, and one of the fundamental parts of this is that illustration is for the every person, not specifically an arts audience. Amelia talks to us about Pitch Illustration Radio.

Witchfairy – Book Review

Working with a limited colour palette adds a contrast of lightness and femininity to the otherwise dark and seemingly uninviting illustrated places the character explores.