Don’t Hug The Pug – Book Review + Interview

Don’t Hug The Pug is just the book for parents and kids to enjoy at an age when playing games is still an essential part of learning, where sitting on the rug with baby and pug (and bug…) is visibly the heart of the matter.

Suffragette: The Battle For Equality – Book Review

As a book aimed at young people, it’s written in clear language by David Roberts that doesn’t shirk from incredulity at some of the staggering events and the reactions from men (and some women) in power as the campaign for votes for women continued on for far too long.

Hilda and The Mountain King – Book Review

Populated by Giants and Trolls this multi-layered story has distinct threads to the Scandinavian folklore that Hilda’s creator, Luke Pearson, acknowledges as an inspiration, resulting in a latent darkness and obvious magic that lends a classic quality to the narrative.

Otto Blotter Bird Spotter – Book Review

This highly detailed illustrated book alive with textures and vibrant imagery is from the hand of artist and printmaker Graham Carter. The main excitement comes from his spectacular bird illustrations: the vivid colour and dynamic shapes helps to drive the narrative and grab our attention.

2019 FAB Winners Announced

The AOI is delighted to support the Faber Andlyn Prize for undiscovered BAME writers and illustrators. The first prize for illustration was awarded jointly to Sarah Christou and Simji Park..

Varoom 39: Finding the Middle – Joy Miessi

Joy Miessi transforms personal experiences into visual memorabilia through mixed media work. Both an illustrator and painter, Joy’s work reveals a varying range of themes, from past moments and conversations to intimate thoughts. In this article from Varoom 39, Aisha Ayoade talks to Joy about the concept of nostalgia and how the past is made present in their work.