Out, Out, Away From Here – Book Review

A simple but effective tale illustrated using attractive shapes and symbolism to capture that which adults mostly forget. Sang Miao’s illustrations set the mood perfectly as the young protagonist navigates her world.

Young, Gifted and Black – Book Review

This book provides ample evidence that black people are not a homogenized group, but rather individuals who have all had to overcome varying degrees of negativity to reach for success and to stay the course. It should be required reading for every young child.

The Pirates of Scurvy Sands – Book Review

Where did Mad Jack McMuddle bury his treasure chests? The clues are all there if you take your time and have a compass at the ready. Jonny Duddle’s illustrations are detailed with strong character development that is matched by a credible Pirate family.

The Fox on the Swing – Book Review

Quirky and fun, the story of Paul and his friendship with Fox delves into melancholy and the acceptance of change, also tackling thoughts about self, all illustrated in a charming and fantastical set of images.

Price It Right campaign

Price It Right is a campaign for the whole industry which the AOI launched in partnership with the European Illustrators Forum in March 2018.