Illustrator of the Month: June

Illustrator and Animator Rune Fisker is a Coperhagen-based and Danish born designer, who’s dynamic compositions and vivid colours caught the eye of the AOI team and led to animated dialog for June’s Member of the Month.

Looking After William – Book Review + Interview

Light, bright and happy, this is a charming story.”I was imagining a book where the words were opposite to the pictorial narrative, so that children could get a feeling of knowing something that their parent didn’t,” says Eve Coy.

The Australian government is intending to revise their copyright laws and have issued a consultation paper on copyright modernisation, which AOI has responded to.

That Fruit Is Mine! – Book Review

What’s the best way to operate in the world – all by yourself or with a team of supportive pals? It’s elephants versus mice in this fun, charming story.