How to start as an illustrator: 6 Tips and Insights

A career in illustration doesn’t just involve drawing and creating nice things, it means being a business. This comprehensive article aims to demystify the business side of illustration and help support graduates and new illustrators who are starting out.

Mental Health and Illustrators

PIP – the AOI meet up in Bristol – held a discussion around how illustrators manage when it comes to their mental health – and possible solutions.

Becoming a Successful Illustrator – Book Review

Providing guidance and advice on a wide range of topics, this is one of those books that is great to have ready on your shelf, to return to time and again when you need a bit of clarity or inspiration.

Is Social Media Really That Important For An Illustrator?

10 years ago, the way we communicate and promote ourselves online changed dramatically with the arrival of social media platforms. Love it or hate it, these have now become an almost integral part of our daily professional routine. But how beneficial is it really for Illustrators? AOI Member Matthew Griffin shares his thoughts on the matter.