Ričards Znutiņš-Znutāns
Malduguns beer brewery


Why did you choose to enter this work?
Because I had a lot of fun when working on this, and I'm really glad about the outcome.

What’s your favourite thing about your shortlisted project?
That it shows my personality.

What excites you most about being shortlisted?
That my work is being recognized and I can inspire other young creatives as an example to show them — it's possible!

Where do you usually work?
It depends, for example, if I'm up in the mountains, but super excited for a project that I'm working on, I will draw on top of the mountain, just because I'm really into it. Other than that — Studio

How long did it take to complete your project?
1 week, with additional time for corrections.

What is your dream commission?
Since I see illustration far beyond illustration, one of my dream collaborations would be to work and learn from fashion industry giants. So for that one I will collaborate with fashion brand — BODE.

What’s your favourite thing to draw?
Something which I look at and be like – WOW, nice! I can't really explain it in another way, haha.

What is your best tip for other illustrators?
Take time and don't rush, just because someone has already "made it", doesn't mean that you are left behind, do what makes YOU proud in the first place, it will work out eventually!

What are your plans for the future?
Learn more, read more, study more, but most importantly — draw more!

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