Ričards Znutiņš-Znutāns
Malduguns beer brewery

Design Product & Packaging

Commissioned | New Talent

Why did you make this work:
"Mūļāps" from translation in Latvian, means "Clumsy", and that's what I wanted to represent on this label. A goofy looking guy, being awkward and a little bit chaotic, yet still looking cool about it. I also wanted to create the same effect on the "wordmark", making it look unusual. That's why the letter P is upside down, it makes no sense, but compliments the label and idea of the beer's name.

How was the illustration used:
Illustration was used as packaging material for promotional purposes.

How did you make this work:
1. Research about the company. 2. Understanding the meaning behind word "Clumsy". 3. Doing sketches. 4. Make it digital and add textures and colour corrections.

Commissioner Company :

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Art Academy of Latvia
Graphic & Packaging Design
Year of Graduation:

Currently Based:
Riga, Latvia

My name is Ricards Znutins-Znutans and I'm a freelance illustrator from Riga, Latvia. My style is a mixture of bright colours, simple shapes and modern aesthetics!​​​​​​​ Creating characters who communicate their feelings through body language and compositions which brings concepts to life. My goal is to create energetic and bright vision, to solve problems for people, products and brands!


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