Lena Chetverik
Playful Poster Series


Un-commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
I created these posters for my illustrator seminars. I wanted them to engage in a conversation with the lecture themes (characters, techniques, zines, sketchbooks) and to showcase my creative passions, including hand-drawing, tactility, surprising plastic solutions, and playful characters. In this project I was my own customer, this allowed me to be as free as possible in the approach I chose.

How was the illustration used:
I used these posters on my social media to promote my lectures. Each poster illustrates the topic discussed in each webinar and shows students my visual language.

How did you make this work:
All the illustrations were drawn using mixed media such as graphite and coloured pencils, dry and oil pastels and digital post-production. In my posters I chose the hand-lettering most appropriate to the themes, treating the letters and numbers as the same part of the image as characters and objects. I experimented a lot with their graphic form, achieving greater expressiveness.

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:
Moscow, Russia

Lena Chetverik is an artist and illustrator based in Moscow. Studied in British Higher School of Art and Design on illustration program. She works in mixed media, combining hand-drawing and digital. She creates editorial and commercial illustrations and works on her personal projects, including objects, videos and prints. She also publishes zines with graphic stories as part of an art group.


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