Fiona Yujie Zhao
Feeling is Momentary, Memory is Everlasting


Un-commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
The project was created as a response to my thoughts during quarantine while I was staying alone in Vancouver. Art accompanied me during these anxious times and motivated me to recollect ideas and inspirations for future projects. The multiple reflections of the same girl appear in the series, seemingly were wandering in different spaces to figure out herself.

How was the illustration used:
A series of book covers intended for short novels

How did you make this work:
These illustrations are created digitally, however, coming from a painting background I'm very attached to the texture of brushstrokes and surfaces. Most of my digital illustrations blur the boundary of the mechanical application with the traditional hand made quality.

Social Media:

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Emily Carr University of Art and Design
visual arts
Year of Graduation:

Currently Based:
Shanghai China

Based in Shanghai, China. Fiona Yujie Zhao studied visual arts at Emily Carr University of Art and Design in Vancouver Canada. During her study, she explored her way of story-telling through photography, painting, illustration, and installation art. Her sense of color is often symbolic in the way she conveys deeply embedded emotions.
