Chen Wu


Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
The "EGG WAVE" poster is featured in Issue 13 of SHEET, a magazine by Urban Outfitters. The theme is "Chance & Challenge." This unique poster symbolizes everyday opportunities and challenges as egg-shaped waves, encouraging us to approach difficulties with an adventurous spirit.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
Digital painting with handmade texture.

How were your illustrations used:
This poster artwork published and printed in SHEET Issue 13, the independent zine curated by lifestyle brand Urban Outfitters for its community, presents a global collaboration of illustrations and visual arts in every UK & EU physical store.

Commissioner Name :
SHEET Magazine ( Independent zine curated by lifestyle brand Urban Outfitters)
Commissioner Company :
Urban Outfitters ( UO Design team )
Commissioned for:
Urban Outfitters ( UO Design team )

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:
United Kingdom (UK)

Chen Wu is a Taiwanese graphic artist & illustrator currently based in London. His artwork is characterised by sophisticated, yet clean and timeless compositions, incorporating motion graphics and a touch of whimsy and fantasy. His style can be described as a harmonious blend of realism and surrealism. Chen Wu now represented by agent Meiklejohn (UK)
