Still Alive


Un-commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
In the recent pandemic situation, there is stress and strain around us , so I found the fun activity on the "Stillherestilllife" instagram. It is the activity that let every candidate creates their own artworks with a Still life drawing or painting from a Still life photograph posted on the "Stillherestilllife" instagram each week.

How was the illustration used:
The use of this artwork was to expand my experiment with my style and to join with "Stillherestilllife" campaign.

How did you make this work:
I analyzed the original Still life photographs and imagined how it should move like a living thing. After that by using Procreate application on ipad, I created elements and details which I have already planned.

Social Media:

Personal Website:

I am freelance illustrator base on Bangkok, Thailand. I loves to appreciate differences between cultures while traveling and takes that as my inspiration. In addition my work use pencil colour, acrylic paint and digital paint.
