Climate Change

The urgency of climate change is an unsurprising feature of this year’s shortlist. From campaigns, to political work, to illustrating the science of climate change, there are many ways for illustrators to visualise this increasingly urgent topic.

What if glaciers melted

This book “What if the Glaciers Melted” is the second book in the “What if” series published by Albatros Publishing.

The book explains to children the current problems of global warming and the impact of our everyday lives on nature, the environment.

Giulio Bonasera
Hot.Hot.Hot. – A Major Heatwave Hits Europe

This illustration was created for the New York Times Kids publication. It tells the story of Emil who lives in London, in the UK, where it got so hot in July that the temperature rose above 40 degrees Celsius — 104 degrees Fahrenheit — for the first time ever. It caused chaos. Some schools closed, airport runways melted and train tracks looked like they might break from the heat.

Lisa Sheehan
Carbon Footprint

Lisa created this illustration for the cover of Choices magazine on the subject of Carbon Footprints – Simple steps to save the planet. Aimed at teenagers. The illustration is entirely built in Cinema 4D, with no photography or photoshop.

A whale falls, all thrive: Visions of our Future

The metaphor of a whale falling can describe climate change’s effects on ecosystems. To ensure humanity’s future, building a whale is neither possible nor appropriate. Visualize a whale-fall factory to bring attention to the climate disaster in an absurd and sarcastic way. Instead of creating new species or manipulating ecosystems, we must preserve and protect Earth’s biodiversity.

Katy Laundon
Can You See What We See?

The story of this picture book follows a colony of Arctic terns as they migrate from the South to the North Pole, with the birds asking the reader if we can see the changes they are seeing in the world during their journey.

The theme of the book is raising awareness to environmental and climate change issues to children and young people.

Katy created the illustrations by hand in acrylic paint with added digital elements.

Chiara Xie
Climate Impact on the Indigenous Community

Chiara created this project starts as a university project to comment on social affairs. The subject addresses the fact that due to coastal erosion and rising sea levels, indigenous people experiences the land loss and relocation.

The challenges for indigenous people not only are moving to another place but also cutting off the connection to the environment passed on from countless generations.

Katherine Yang
The Price of Nature

Katherine made this work as a reflection of the intricate ecosystem. The barcode in the background represents people’s constant efforts to place values on nature. She placed circles on it to represent native species inside the system and as an indication of the impossibility of financialize nature. The white circles represent various wildlife and the black ones represent species that have become extinct.

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