Serge Seidlitz

Line Characters What was your key motivation in becoming an illustrator? I always drew at school, making comics, cartoons and painting, I ended up studying graphic design and after Art..

The Varoom Report: Change V16

Change THE ILLUSTRATION REPORT Autumn 2011 ISSUE 16 “They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself,” said Andy Warhol. Varoom Editor, John O’Reilly, introduces..

Martin O’neill

Studio Collage What was your key motivation in becoming an illustrator? I was obsessed with graffiti & art when I was at school, mates in my class said I should..

Helen Musselwhite

Snow White for Signet, 2014 What was your first break as an illustrator? My first break was back in 2006 working with Daylesford Organics.
I made some speculative all white framed..

Tim Vyner

Opening Ceremony – Copyright Tim Vyner and The Times What was your key motivation in becoming an illustrator? I originally studied Fine Art in Newcastle and I was spending 6 –..

The Jacky Winter Group

Jeremy Wortsman – Agent at The Jacky Winter Group Illustration by Andrew Archer  What, for you and The Jacky Winter Group, do you look for in an illustrator before they become represented..

Anna Cattermole

The AOI Illustration Professional Self Initiated / Professional Catergory Winner 2013. What was your key motivation in becoming a reportage illustrator? I have always been a terrible people watcher. Being away..

Edd Baldry

The AOI Illustration Professional Editorial Catergory Winner 2013. Talk us through your experience of entering and winning the Professional Editorial illustration category in the AOI Awards 2013 with your editorial piece..

Nate Kitch

The AOI Illustration Professional Self Initiated Catergory Winner 2013. What was your key motivation in becoming an illustrator? To put forth my language and to communicate ideas to a wider audience…

Rebecca Strickson

Freelance Illustrator. Full Page Splash from Metroland graphic novel, written by Ricky Miller (Avery Hill Publishing, 2013) What was your key motivation in becoming an illustrator?   Well, I originally..