Vadym Solowski

Un-commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Are you sure you are in a cage?

How was the illustration used:
Portfolio / Personal

How did you make this work:
Sometimes we set ourselves up, that we do not have the opportunity, forgetting to look around.

Social Media:

Personal Website:

I am a Nuclear Power Engineer who became an Illustrator / Art Director / Artist.I adore to tell stories, catch feelings, make connections, encourage reflection. My visual communication is based on double meaning, symbolic and playful language, that is like music — does not need a translation. I like complementing the context, making information more memorable, as editorial illustrations do.In addition, I try to follow the principle voiced by Anthony Burrill: 'Work hard and be nice to people'.Currently based in Warsaw, but going to live in Barcelona and die in New York.
