Rina Jost
Book Festival Frauenfeld


Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
The brief was very broad. My client wanted a poster for the local book festival in Mai 2018. They asked me to create a poster that should be appealing to inhabitants of all ages (from kids to retirees). It didn't have to match the visuals of the past festival.

How was the illustration used:
Poster, Sticker, Bookmark, Programme

How did you make this work:
I chose a draft which I thought was playful enough but also has sort of a retro style, so it would attract all ages. It is not a kids book festival (however, it offers some programme for children). I liked the main character in the poster, so I went on to create additional situations. They will be used as spot illustrations in the programme booklet. Typography assistance: Chris Stricker

Commissioner Name :
City of Frauenfeld
Commissioner Company :
City of Frauenfeld

Personal Website:

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