Louise Jenkins
The Flume

A Picturebook exploring anxiety and imagination in children

Children's Publishing

Un-commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
This is a 40 page Picturebook for one of my MA modules. Inspired by children's vivid imagination, I created a story about a girl who has anxiety on her trip to the pool and eventually finds bravery to confront her fears. It is a wordless story, reflecting how it can be hard for children to verbally describe their fears. Colour is used to convey shifts in emotion throughout the narrative.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
I used a mixture of gouache paint, pencils and wax pastels which were then edited digitally.

How were your illustrations used:
This is a university project within my portfolio. I have made this work inspired by my own personal experiences of anxiety. I want to show children that trying new things isn't always as scary as it initially seems.

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Falmouth University

Currently Based:
United Kingdom (UK)

Louise is from Chelmsford, UK. After 11 years as a Graphic Designer at a branding agency in London, she is now a freelance illustrator. She is about to graduate with a distinction in MA Illustration at Falmouth University and loves storytelling through images inspired by daily observations of life and the imagination of children.
