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2024 | Longlist | Children's Publishing
  • Why did you create this work?
    This is a 40 page Picturebook for one of my MA modules. Inspired by children's vivid imagination, I created a story about a girl who has anxiety on her trip to the pool and eventually finds bravery to confront her fears. It is a wordless story, reflecting how it can be hard for children to verbally describe their fears. Colour is used to convey shifts in emotion throughout the narrative.
  • How were your illustrations used?
    This is a university project within my portfolio. I have made this work inspired by my own personal experiences of anxiety. I want to show children that trying new things isn't always as scary as it initially seems.
  • What materials and techniques did you use?
    I used a mixture of gouache paint, pencils and wax pastels which were then edited digitally.
  • Was this project commissioned?
  • College / University
    Falmouth University
  • Course and graduation date
    Illustration Masters Degree. Graduating August 2024.
  • Personal Website or Portfolio Link
  • Instagram
  • Biography
    Louise is from Chelmsford, UK. After 11 years as a Graphic Designer at a branding agency in London, she is now a freelance illustrator. She is about to graduate with a distinction in MA Illustration at Falmouth University and loves storytelling through images inspired by daily observations of life and the imagination of children.
  • Where are you currently based?
    United Kingdom (UK)
Louise JenkinsThe Flume Cover
Louise JenkinsThe Flume
Louise JenkinsThe Flume
Louise JenkinsThe Flume
Louise JenkinsThe Flume