
A silent graphic novel exploring depression


Un-commissioned | Professional

How were your illustrations used? :
Whole book design

How did you make this work:
With Liminality, I endeavoured to create an understanding of psychological liminal space and the transformative powers it has, through illustrating physical and fluid liminal spaces. There are no singular focal points within a page or double page spread as to do so would negate the atmosphere of liminality.
This is an experiment, a conceptual silent graphic novel with life as a liminal space.

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Currently Based:
United Kingdom (UK)

Zsuzsa is an illustrator and designer from Brighton and Cambridge, UK. After nearly eight years’ industry experience as a Graphic Designer and Illustrator, Zsuzsa returned to university to achieve an MA and is now a freelance illustrator. Following successful kickstarters about depression and anxiety, Zsuzsa has sent artwork to the USA, Australia, Europe, Scandinavia, Asia and the Middle East.

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