Sinem Erkas
Loss of Taste After Covid / The Observer Magazine


Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Sinem was commissioned to create 3D paper food model props for Rudi Zygadlo's article about losing your sense of taste and smell after Covid, illustrating the idea that food 'tastes like cardboard'. The props were used in a photoshoot shot by Martina Lang.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
Physical models created using paper and card

How were your illustrations used:
Internal editorial illustrations published in the Observer Magazine

Commissioner Name :
Jo Cochrane
Commissioner Company :
The Observer
Commissioned for:
Observer Magazine

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:
United Kingdom (UK)

Sinem is an award-winning artist with an appetite for experimentation and a good sense of fun. Her visual practice ranges from flat digital works to tactile paper collages to 3D sets, often creating playful and bold images that make you look twice.
