Maanasa Mahesh
Need a Tissue?

Un-commissioned | New Talent

Why did you make this work:
The brief was to come up with a radial tessellating graphic on a cube in 2-3 hours.

How was the illustration used:
packaging design

How did you make this work:
I decided to relate the tessellation to the form of the cube, and illustrate graphics for a tissue box. My tessellation revolves around the concept of different situations where you would need to use a tissue; such as coughing, crying, sneezing and eating something messy.

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National Institute of Design, India
Bachelor's of Graphic Design
Year of Graduation:

I am a 20 year old graphic design student from India. My style is witty, fun and considered. I think that a bit of contradiction is essential to good design. Push and pull. Print and digital. Illustrative and geometric. I also think a sense of humour is necessary to keep people entertained and yourself sane.
