Luca D’Urbino
Nati Scombinati IPA Beer can

Design Product & Packaging

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Signature IPA beer can pattern design for Nati Scombinati, a drinking team with a Rugby problem from Milano, Italy that always gives everything on and off the pitch.
I collected inside jokes and relevant stories from both players and the staff combining them in an intricate repeating pattern.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
Digital - Photoshop

How were your illustrations used:
Beer can label, brewed and sold by BrewBerry and Birrificio War

Commissioner Name :
Ciccio Parisi
Commissioner Company :
Nati Scombinati Rugby Sevens

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:

Luca D'Urbino is a Visual artist from Milano, Italy that creates images for clients, brands and magazines around the globe.
