Lizzie Harper
Fernway Packaging Pen and ink illustrations for range of botanically flavoured products

Design Product & Packaging

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
This series of fruits and plant illustrations were completed in pen and ink for the packaging of Fernway's products. They had to be highly detailed, traditional, look appealing and tasty, work as an image going round a corner of packaging, and be visually beautiful. The client plans to add to their product range over time, so the illustrations need to continue in the same style over several years

How was the illustration used:
The pen and ink illustrations are reversed out and reproduced in colour on the whole series of Fernway's product packaging, appearing against black or coloured backgrounds.

How did you make this work:
Pen and ink on cartridge. These illustrations are highly detailed and stippled, & appear very dark. This extra detail & weight allows the illustrations to carry plenty of colour when reversed out on the packaging. Reference included gathering fruit and drawing from life, as well as book and online reference. Many (many) compositional sketches means the images sit on the package and corner well

Commissioner Name :
Kevin Wu & Liam O'Brien
Commissioner Company :
Commissioned for:
Fernway USA

Social Media:

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Currently Based:
Hay on Wye, Wales, UK

Lizzie Harper is a freelance natural history & botanical illustrator with over 30 years experience. Inspired by and passionate about nature, her illustrations appear in books, magazines, packaging, stamps & are used by numerous wildlife based charities. Highlights include illustrating David Attenborough's "A Life on Our Planet". Packaging jobs always feel a little different, and are exciting


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