Katy Laundon
Colossal Expedition of the Humpback Whale

Children's Publishing

Un-commissioned | New Talent

Why did you make this work:
I created this illustrated children's reference book for my final project whist studying BA (Hons) Graphic Design. I wanted to create a book that took the reader on a journey with the humpback whale on its annual migration, learning on the way through the pages.

How was the illustration used:
I made this 60 page illustrated reference book as my final project whilst studying on my degree, to educate young people about the amazing journeys animals go on during their annual migration. Full of facts about the humpback whale and some of the marine animals they might meet during their colossal expedition.

How did you make this work:
I created all of the illustrations by hand using a variety of techniques, such as watercolour, inks, acrylics and collage, then scanning them into the computer to put together digitally. Letting the inks and watercolour flow freely gave each of the animals a unique texture and pattern. The pages were printed on a variety of papers to add texture and depth, including acetate and newspaper print.

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University Centre South Essex
BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Year of Graduation:

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Katy graduated in 2020 from the University Centre South Essex, where she studied BA (Hons) in Graphic Design. She enjoys creating art works and illustrations using a variety of media, including watercolour, inks, collage and traditional print making, with nature and animals as the main focal point of inspiration.

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