Kate Osmond
Shred Those Thoughts

A zine inspired by not being able to sleep and going on a nocturnal wander to find the solution.


Un-commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Creating this zine was a self driven project inspired by a period of time when I was struggling to sleep because I couldn't seem to silence thoughts that were spiralling around my brain at night. Whilst lying awake I imagined that these thoughts were physical objects that I could banish from my head by putting them through an office shredder.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
I used a soft pencil to draw the individual scenes onto paper, scanned them, and assembled the zine using Affinity Publisher. Then the zine was Risoprinted by Out of The Blue Print in Edinburgh.

How were your illustrations used:
After I created the imagery, the zine was Riso printed and it is now sold on my Etsy site.

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:
United Kingdom (UK)

Kate is a freelance illustrator based in Edinburgh. She illustrates with paint, crayons and coloured pencils to create atmospheric images and narratives. Kate enjoys focussing on detail, shadows and scale in her work, making illustrations that are visually striking and imaginative.Her favourite topics to draw are nature, buildings, cities, landscapes and the people within them.
