Javier Juárez & Sílvia Casanova (Juárez Casanova study)


Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
The work showcases the Fallas of València 2024, a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage event. Through vibrant illustrations, it celebrates the festival's essence, emphasizing participation, tradition, and the emotional connection it fosters. The imagery captures the spirit of the festival and its significance, extending across various media to engage a wide audience.

What materials and techniques did you use?:

How were your illustrations used:
We start each project with thorough research and documentation. Ideas are developed until one gains coherence and mutual appeal. Then, we sketch and digitally execute the illustration collaboratively, ensuring clarity in communication and expression of emotions, following our unique style.

Commissioner Name :
Santiago Ballester & Quique Pardo. Councilor for Festivities and Traditions and Personal Advisor.
Commissioner Company :
València City Council

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:

They met at Castellón School of Arts, specializing in graphic design. After graduation, they worked in different agencies and printers. In 2004, they formed Juárez Casanova studio, known for their responsible, adaptable approach. Their work spans animation, editorial and signage, emphasizing illustration. Their style, marked by balanced composition and elegant colors, fosters dialogue and opinion.
