Gianvito Turi
Keep Memories Collection

Design Product & Packaging

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
Keep Memories is a limited edition packaging project for the extra virgin olive oil from the Mimì mill. The illustrations tell the story of the Apulian tradition through tools that belong to the past, but which evoke gestures, rituals, stories and a language that we must preserve. The collection consists of three bottles for three different instruments and three stories printed on posters.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
Digital technique. The font was designed by Alberto Casagrande.

How were your illustrations used:
The illustrations were printed in 4 color screen printing on white painted glass bottles, on the boxes and on the posters inside the package.

Commissioner Name :
Donato Conserva
Commissioner Company :
Frantoio Mimì
Commissioned for:
Push Studio

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:

Gianvito Turi is an art director and illustrator from Puglia. After studying visual and multimedia communication he began working as a visual designer first and later as an art director, collaborating with various agencies. He deals with developing visual identity, advertising and packaging design projects, while perfecting himself in illustration.
