Erne Vigo
Climate Change


Un-commissioned | New Talent

Why did you make this work:
This was a project made for a class of my MA in Illustration. The goal was to give an opinion about how Climate change affect our lives. As a Mexican artist it is very evident that the changes in climate done by urban lifestyles and cities affect first and sometimes even more hardly to rural communities. Carbon dioxide emissions raise temperatures, unbalance raining seasons and causes droughts.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
Mixed Media: Graphite on paper and digital editing

How were your illustrations used:
This is meant to be published as an article cover in climate change studies and its consequences.

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Academy Of Arts University

Currently Based:

Erne Vigo is a Mexican artist based in Mexico city. He has a degree in Product Design and it's currently studying a Masters Degree in Illustration at the Academy of Arts University. He's starting his career in editorial illustration and just got featured as a finalist in the Mexican Bienal of Illustration.
