Drushba Pankow – Alexandra Kardinar and Volker Schlecht
War and Peace

A visual research about patterns, power and iconography


Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
In the spring of 2023, one year after the Russian full-scale invasion into Ukraine, we were asked by the theological-philosophical journal »Eulenfisch to create this series. It was completed shortly after the Hamas attack in southern Israel. We tried to develop image ideas that place the current wars in a historical context, with references to art, philosophy and theology.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
Our images are compositions of many single raw drawings, combined with scanned textures and colors, like a digital collage. We saw these illustrations as a way to process the terrible news we hear and read every day and to deal with our own doubts and thoughts.

How were your illustrations used:
The “Eulenfisch” (owl-fish) is a German magazine focused on religion (the fish) and education (the owl), with a strong philosophical approach. The whole magazine, where our illustrations were made for, was dedicated to the theme “War and Peace”, which is also the title of this issue. We were free to develop a visual story parallel to - and independent of - the texts of the different authors.

Commissioner Name :
Martin W. Ramb
Commissioner Company :

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Personal Website:

Currently Based:

Drushba is the Ukrainian and Russian word for friendship. Alexandra Kardinar and Volker Schlecht founded their collaborative label Drushba Pankow in 2002 in Pankow, a district of Berlin, Germany. Both are teaching as professors in different universities. Their Illustrations were published in newspapers and magazines like the Rolling Stone, Die Zeit, The New Yorker and many others.
