Varoom 12

Explore the Spring 2010 Issue



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Varoom 12

Illustration, Culture, Society Spring 2010

Illustrating the Future: Zodiac 21 features author, journalist and broadcaster Paul Morley’s new 21st Century Zodiac, including the Sign of Andy Warhol’s 15 Minutes and the Sign of the War on Terror, while 12 worldwide illustrators, including Si Scott, Cristiana Couceiro and Mimi Leung, visualise them in an astonishingly inventive collaboration combining art, satire, and science-fiction.

Animation’s Brave New Worlds questions what’s next for animation in an age of Avatar and CGI indulgence. Peter Lyle investigates how mainstream magazines are relying on the illustrator’s ability to visually make sense of new technologies and trends in The Art of Science. And Chris Hatherill looks back at the legendary Omni magazine and its use of spectacular illustration in New Frontier.

The Future is Junk explores why collage has become such a hot ticket again, looking at a range of collage makers including Mario Wagner and Agnes Montgomery and their collecting habits. Paul Burgess reveals how carefully collecting images, and the art of destroying them, is often essential in creating a vision of the future that isn’t smoothed over by convention and consensus. Collage illustrator James Dawe sums this up in his exclusive illustration on the Varoom 12 front cover.

Life in 2050 ignites the imagination, encouraging illustrators to envisage life 40 years from now. The Manifesto section showcases young illustrator, Claire Scully’s surreal mix of sci-fi and Hitchcock inspired work.  Comic book artist, illustrator and film-maker Dave Mckean discusses a selection of work from his incredible back catalogue in Something Old, Something New… And children’s book creator Oliver Jeffers confesses Mark Tansey’s ‘Action Painting’ has changed the way he paints in I Wish I’d Done This.


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