WIA2022 Longlist Announced
The judges have made their decisions, and we are delighted to announce the 500-strong longlist for this year’s World Illustration Awards competition.
This year we will announce the longlist by category each day, starting with Advertising. We hope this gives the projects longlisted in each category the chance to shine!
From the 1st to 10th June, we will unveil the longlisted projects that have been chosen by the judges from the 5,000+ entries that were submitted to the competition.
The announcement schedule is as follows:
Advertising, 1 June, 11am
Alternative Publishing, 2 June, 11am
Book Covers, 3 June, 11am
Children’s Publishing, 4 June, 11am
Commercial Publishing, 5 June, 11am
Design, Product & Packaging, 6 June, 11am
Editorial, 7 June, 11am
Exploration, 8 June, 11am
Science & Technology, 9 June, 11am
Site Specific, 10 June, 11am
We can’t wait to share all the amazing projects that have been selected with you…

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