The Book Illustration Competition 2018 Longlist
House of Illustration and Folio Society have partnered for the 8th consecutive year to bring you The Book Illustration Competition 2018.
The competition aims to recognise new talent (both student and professional) and an overall winner is selected to receive the highly sought-after commission, worth £5,000, to create illustrations to be published by The Folio Society later this year. Five runners each receive £500 cash.
This year entrants created three illustrations and a binding cover responding to The Selected Adventures and Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle, and 24 Illustrators have been longlisted. We are pleased to see that four of the selected are AOI Members Rachel Burlington, Shazleen Khan, Andy Potts and Harry Woodgate
All longlisted entries will be celebrated in a private ceremony tomorrow Tuesday 20th February, where the runners and Winner will be announced.

(c) Rachel Burlington

(c) Shazleen Khan

(c) Zuzana Čupová

(c) Harry Woodgate

(c) Tobias Willa
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