Selling websites offering artworks in copyright
We are aware that a number of websites exist that purport to sell artworks, including illustration, for prints.

It is not clear exactly how these sites operate, and whether they are even genuinely fulfilling any orders for prints. We understand that it is a real concern for the illustration community, and are monitoring the situation.
The Posterbe and ArtWisher websites appear to be infringing upon the copyright of a substantial number of copyright holders, although it is not clear if the site holds images or links to them. The search facility appears to act like a search engine.
We understand how frustrating and difficult it is to find your work has been subject to potential copyright infringement, and to come across it being used without your permission.
Copyright infringements unfortunately do happen, and in the case of these particular websites, it is also unclear whether the business is actually fulfilling orders. Both websites are outside of the UK, which means legal action is challenging.
The AOI resource on copyright infringement may be helpful to get a sense of what constitutes a copyright infringement and what steps you can take if you believe your copyright has been infringed.
Only the copyright owner of a work (or the exclusive licensee) can bring legal action for copyright infringement. In this instance, if you wish to respond we recommend that you gather evidence of the infringement. This might be in the form of screenshots and dates. You can contact the company directly (they appear to have provided email addresses – we recommend not using the contact form) to inform them that as the copyright holder, you consider this to be an infringement, and require them to remove the work. Please do keep us up to date if the company respond.
You could also contact the internet service provider that hosts a website containing infringing content. This website may be useful for info on how to take down a website for copyright infringement.
AOI have emailed the sites saying that all images should be removed from the website that do not have explicit permission from the image rights holder to reproduce the image. And that it is not acceptable to offer images for sale where there is no licence or legal right to do so.
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