Payback 2023 now open

DACS (the Design and Artists Copyright Society) has launched its annual Payback scheme which pays artists, illustrators and photographers royalties when their works have been published in UK books, magazines or on TV.
The scheme is open to all kinds of visual creators. Last year, DACS paid over 96,000 artists, illustrators and photographers a share of £4.6 million in royalties. Individual payments were up to £350 for books and magazines and over £2,000 when also claiming for TV.
To claim, visual creators need to register at by 24 February and tell DACS where their work has been featured. The final deadline for completing their claim is 14 April 2023. DACS then pays royalties to creators in the autumn.
To find out more about Payback, please look at DACS’ FAQs or email [email protected]. You can also watch the how to guide to making a claim.
Over the past 24 years, DACS has paid out a total of over £70 million in Payback royalties. For many working artists, Payback provides additional income, helping to pay for materials, studio rent and bills, especially at a time when many are seeing an increase in the cost of living.
Feedback from recent claimants:
“To all my creative friends – if you’re not already, get registered with DACS to be paid royalties for your creative work. I did it last year, it doesn’t cost anything and I’ve just received a nice statement.” Wendy Ward
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