People of Peace – Book Review

People of Peace celebrates the lives, acts and hopes of 40 of the world’s most important peace activists. Laid out in an Infographic style, the accessible layout and stylish simplicity makes the book a ‘Who’s Who’ of the human rights heroes.

Industry Insight: Chris Labrooy

Chris Labrooy has an enviable career with his work being seen across UK, Europe and the States in advertising, editorial and publishing. Take a minute to read this insight into his practice and his advice for other Illustrators!

Street Child Charity World Cup

Tim Vyner has created reportage images from the Street Child United World Cup “It’s been incredibly vibrant from start to finish and it’s been fantastic to see sport and art changing the lives of so many people.”

My Worst Book Ever – Book Review

This book is the result of two craftsmen at work – a rollercoaster ride of events describing one misfortune after another as Bruce and Allan attempt to write, illustrate then publish a book about a crocodile.

The challenges of illustration-led animation

The AOI are aware of the challenges of licensing illustration-led animation images for additional uses. Chris Page of Jelly London lays down some important pointers on this practice.

My Dad Is My Uncle’s Brother – Book Review

For a young child, understanding all the little nuances and quirks of human social behaviour must be bewildering. But this book will gently embed into their minds all the names we learn to give our relatives; auntie, nephew, cousin, step-dad etc.