WIA2020 Awards Announcement: Advertising category!

The AOI’s CEO Ren Renwick welcomes everyone to our awards announcement today, followed by WIA Judge Melissa Charland of Publicis Canada, who announces the highly commended and winning projects in the WIA Advertising Category!

Mental Health Guide for Creative Freelancers

The AOI, in partnership with Society of Authors and Association of Photographers have released an updated resource offering guidance for good mental health and creative freelancers.

WIA2020 Curated Highlights: Animals

From quirky children’s book characters, to more realistic depictions, animals are a great source of inspiration for eye-catching illustration. This selection from across the WIA2020 shortlist categories shows the inventive..

WIA2020 Shortlist Highlights: Exploration Category

The Exploration Category celebrates all forms of self-initiated work, illustration made for portfolios, and experimental pieces that push the boundaries of illustration. This category includes unusual materials, cutting edge technology,..