Klaus Flugge Prize longlist announced for 2023
The longlist for the 2023 Klaus Flugge Prize has been announced. Established in 2016, the Klaus Flugge Prize is awarded to the most promising and exciting newcomer to children’s picture book illustration. It honours Klaus Flugge, founder of publisher Andersen Press and a supremely influential figure in picture books.
Over forty books were submitted from 25 different publishing houses; 16 have made it to the longlist. Independent publishers including small presses UCLan, Lantana, Child’s Play, Flying Eye and Book Island are all represented, while Walker dominates with three books on the list.
We are proud to say that four AOI members are on the longlist: Beth Suzanna, Mariano Illustrajo, Genevieve Aspinall and Chanté Timothy. Big congratulations to them all!

The 2023 Klaus Flugge Prize longlist in full:
Cheesed Off!, by Genevieve Aspinall, written by Jake Hope, editors Kieran Baker and Hazel Holmes, designer Amy Cooper, (UCLan Publishing)

John Agard’s Windrush Child, by Sophie Bass, written by John Agard, editor Megan Middleton, designer Beth Aves (Walker Books)
Lost in the City, by Alice Courtley, editor Elaine Connelly, designer Izzy Jones (Orchard Books)
Mildred the Gallery Cat, by Jono Ganz, editor Cherise Lopes-Baker, designer Roanne Marner (Tate)
That’s Nice Love, by Owen Gent, editor Victoria Miller, designer David Rose (Book Island) Our Story Starts in Africa, by Jeanetta Gonzales, written by Patrice Lawrence, editor Emma Roberts, designer Zoe Tucker (Magic Cat Publishing)
How to Make a Book, by Patricia Hu, written by Becky Davies, editor Becky Davies, designer Ella Tomkins (Little Tiger)
Flooded, by Mariajo Ilustrajo, editor Lucy Brownridge, designer Karissa Santos (Frances Lincoln Children’s Books)

Through the Forest, by Yijing Li, editor/designer Holly Tonks (Lantana )
The Search for the Giant Arctic Jellyfish, by Chloe Savage, editor Maria Tunney, designer Ines Amaral (Walker Books)

Valentine’s Guest House, by Sam Sharland, editor Sue Baker, designer Annie Kubler (Child’s Play (International) Ltd)
Saving the Butterfly, by Gill Smith, written by Helen Cooper, editor Denise Johnstone-Burt, designer Louise Jackson (Walker Books)
The Missing Piece, by Beth Suzanna, written by Jordan Stephens, editor Lara Hancock, designer Goldy Broad (Bloomsbury Children’s Books)

Daddy Do My Hair: Beth’s Twists, by Chanté Timothy, editors Melissa Gitari and Helen Mackenzie-Smith, designer Emily Hearn (Simon and Schuster)

The Baker by the Sea, by Paula White, editor Ruth Symons, designer Genevieve Webster (Templar Books)
Previous Klaus Flugge Prize winners include Jessica Love in 2019 for Julian is a Mermaid, Francesca Sanna in 2017 for The Journey, Kate Milner for My Name is Not Refugee in 2018, Eva Eland for When Sadness Comes to Call in 2020 and Flavia Z Drago in 2021 with Gustavo the Shy Ghost.
Joseph Namara Hollis was the 2022 winner with Pierre’s New Hair.
The shortlist will be announced on 17 May 2023 and the winner will be revealed in September.
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