Cancellation/Kill Fees and Coronavirus
We are aware that there may be an increase in the number of jobs that are cancelled due to the unprecedented challenges businesses are facing at present.
It is always important to have a written agreement in place before a job starts agreeing all areas of work, including what happens if the client chooses not to use a commission. It is even more important in this volatile landscape.
All AOI Members can use our Illustrator Commissioner Agreement, which is a simple agreement with all the basics in place.
These basics include a kill fee; an agreed payment structure should a commission not progress. Where the commissioner cancels a commission we would expect a percentage of the total fee to be paid:
- 25% of the agreed fee if the commission is cancelled before the roughs are delivered;
- 33% of the agreed fee if the commission is cancelled at the amend stage;
- 100% of the agreed fee if the commission is cancelled when the work is complete.
When a commission is cancelled, it should be made clear that ownership of all rights revert to the illustrator, unless there is reason for this not to be the case (ie it has been otherwise agreed, or the work is based on the commissioners visuals).
It has never been more important to agree these terms with commissioners before you commence any work. If you have any questions please do contact the membership helpline.
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