AOI Mentorship 2021
Please note this call is now closed

AOI’s 2021 mentorship scheme is open for applications! We are delighted to introduce 15 mentors who are generously sharing their time and expertise with our community.
The scheme is designed to be by illustrators, for illustrators and is coordinated by The AOI. There is no cost. Applications are open to all member illustrators who are under represented in our industry.
This year we are also introducing three agent mentors who are looking to support people under represented in the agenting field, either at the early stage of their agent career, or who are interested in becoming an agent. We know that we need diversity in all areas of our industry and this scheme starts to address this goal.
How it works
Mentees will have six sessions (online) with their mentor over a 3-6 month period. In the first session you will agree a basic contract, including when you will meet, what you will achieve, and any challenges that you can identify.
Mentees are asked to set up to three goals to achieve during their mentorship. This might be developing a new technique or skills, getting more confident in negotiation, or working in a new field. They don’t have to be world changing – just game changing for you.
At the end of the sessions you will write a short report for the AOI, summarising your mentorship, and identifying your next steps.
Please note this call is now closed. 2022 applications will open later this year – subscribe to our newsletter for more updates.
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