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Illustration Club – Cardiff illustrator meet-up

Meet Ups

Bring your own object for a fun, collaborative, still life drink and draw at Cardiff’s illustrator meet-up. Book below or via our Eventbrite.

Illustration Club


This month’s Cardiff illustrator meet up will be at Cardiff Umbrella Club continuing our new collaboration. Bring your own object for a fun, collaborative still life drink and draw. This could be any object, but not too big you can’t carry it (!)


What to expect:

Diverse creative prompts, inspired to ignite your creativity, collaborating with fellow illustrators, to create some fun illustrative results. This is no ordinary still life draw! Most materials will be provided by Illustration Club so please bring any preferred illustration materials.

Varied time lengths and prompts: There will be short, timed prompts and longer activities, so suited for both people who enjoy quick sketches and long poses.


Networking: Connect with fellow Cardiff illustrators, share your passion, and make new friends.


About Illustration Club

Illustration Club is an informal meet up, open to illustrators at any and all stages of their education and career. Hosted by Chris Evans, AKA Queerbis, an activist Illustrator originally from west wales. Hosting meet-ups such as Drink and Draws, workshops and talks. With the ambition to cultivate our community of illustrators and provide a common space for us to explore ideas and grow together. This meet-up is part of the AOI’s network of meet-ups.



The AOI would like to make events accessible to all, where possible. Please let us know your access requirements at least one week in advance by emailing [email protected]



Digwyddiad Clwb Darlunio

Bydd cyfarfod y mis hwn yng cardiff umbrella gan barhau â’n cydweithrediad newydd. Dewch â’ch gwrthrych eich hun am ddiod a tyniad bywyd llonydd hwyliog, cydweithredol. Gallai hwn fod yn unrhyw wrthrych, ond ddim yn rhy fawr ni allwch ei gario (!)

Pryd? Dydd Mercher 27 Mawrth 2024. 6 – 9 pm

Ble? Ambarél Caerdydd Uned 2, Canolfan Capitol, Heol y Frenhines, Caerdydd CF10 2HQ

Beth i’w ddisgwyl:

Anogwyr creadigol amrywiol, wedi’u hysbrydoli i danio’ch creadigrwydd, gan gydweithio â chyd-ddarlunwyr, i greu canlyniadau darluniadol hwyliog. Nid raffl bywyd llonydd arferol mo hon! Bydd y rhan fwyaf o ddeunyddiau’n cael eu darparu gan y Clwb Darlunio felly dewch ag unrhyw ddeunyddiau darlunio sydd orau gennych.


Hydoedd amser amrywiol ac awgrymiadau: Bydd awgrymiadau byr, wedi’u hamseru a gweithgareddau hirach, sy’n addas ar gyfer pobl sy’n mwynhau brasluniau cyflym ac ystumiau hir


Rhwydweithioa: Cysylltwch â chyd-ddarlunwyr Caerdydd, rhannwch eich angerdd, a gwnewch ffrindiau newydd



27th March 2024
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Umbrella Art Collective
Queen Street, #Unit 2
Cardiff,WalesCF10 2HQUnited Kingdom


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