Enter NowWIA The AOI Di
2024 | Longlist + Shortlist | Exploration
  • Why did you create this work?
    The inspiration is triggered by the 7-year experiences I have working as business-oriented roles in several international corporations. This comic style illustration describes the culture that people tend to sugarcoat the truth in the workplace. The hand with a diamond ring is a metaphor for capitalism and the colorful sugarcoated people indicates a variety of backgrounds, cultures and stories.
  • How were your illustrations used?
    Personal Project.
  • What materials and techniques did you use?
    Digitally created in Procreate and Photoshop.
  • Was this project commissioned?
  • Course and graduation date
    Yu-Ming Huang, Professional practice 2023
  • Personal Website or Portfolio Link
  • Instagram
  • Biography
    Yi-Ting Wang is an illustrator from Taiwan, based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. She has been freelancing since 2023 May and worked with several clients including 7-Eleven, FamilyMart, SnapShot etc. Yi-Ting is deeply influenced by manga cultures and has participated in London Film & Comic Con, Holland Comic Con (both 2023, 2024). She communicates her motifs using comical figures and languages.
  • Where are you currently based?

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Yi-Ting WangSugarcoat_WangYiTing