Enter NowWIA The AOI Di
2024 | Longlist + Shortlist | Exploration

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Why did you choose to enter this work?
I chose this work because it unveils hidden cultures in the workplace, which is the message I aim to convey. "Sugarcoat" is the first piece in a series I plan to develop.

What’s your favourite thing about your shortlisted project?
It vividly illustrates the corporate environment through metaphorical items and sharp contrasts between different parties, offering the audience a fresh perspective for self-reflection.

What excites you most about being shortlisted?
As a self-taught illustrator participating in a global illustration contest for the first time, being shortlisted for WIA 2024 is a tremendous recognition.

Where do you usually work?
Most of the time, I work in my studio, which is a small corner in my living room. It consists of a laptop, a screen, and an A3-sized workstation on a wooden desk. Occasionally, I also draw on my iPad.

How long did it take to complete your project?
From start to finish, the process took about a month. I initially had five compositions, narrowed them down to two, and chose the final one that communicated the message most clearly and powerfully.

What is your dream commission?
Creating editorial illustrations for magazines and developing 2D animations for music videos. Stories, cultures, and music are my inspirations and motivations for creating art!

What’s your favourite thing to draw?
I love drawing human beings, especially women. Exploring human anatomy and capturing a wide range of facial expressions brings me great joy.

What is your best tip for other illustrators?
Keep on doing what you believe in and trust the process. Good things take time.

What are your plans for the future?
Keep exploring and creating! I’m currently working on a series, including "Sugarcoat," that shares my observations of workplace cultures. Next, I plan to develop a series of 2D animations about dreams

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Yi-Ting WangYI-TING, WANG-4
Yi-Ting WangWang, Yi-Ting_work at the desk