Hannah Tolson
In The City - A Look and Find Story

Children's Publishing

Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
The brief was set by the publishers, Bloomsbury, following a family on a day out city and in various scenes of the hustle and bustle of city life. We wanted to make sure there were plenty of things for kids to spot and keep coming back to, plus extra details not mentioned in the story.

How was the illustration used:
The work was for a non-fiction picture book, published by Bloomsbury in May 2020.

How did you make this work:
The artwork was made up of various materials; pencil, acrylic, wax crayon, collage, scanned textures, and then all pieced together digitally.

Commissioner Name :
Saskia Gwinn & Sophie Gordon
Commissioner Company :

Social Media:

Personal Website:
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Currently Based:

Hannah is a freelance illustrator currently based in Manchester. She has previously studied at Leeds College of Art and Falmouth University, gaining a first class degree in Illustration in 2013. She has since worked with a variety of publishers worldwide including; Walker Books, Ladybird, Child’s Play Publishing, Frances Lincoln Children’s Books and Caterpillar Books.
