Eleonara Abbagnato, ballerina of Sicily


Commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
I got to illustrate an inspiring woman of Sicily for the book Le Siciliane. Funded by Centopassi Association of Torregrotta. In the illustration we see the incredible Eleonara Abbagnato (1978), a celebrated ballerina who is taking over the world, born on Sicily. I wanted the image to really depict the busy theatre filled with musicians and visitors, but still draw the attention to the ballet.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
Gouache, crayons, colored pencil, Photoshop.

How were your illustrations used:
They were used to accompany a text about Eleonora Abbagnato and her life and career.

Commissioner Name :
Mauro Mondello
Commissioner Company :
Centopassi Association of Torregrotta
Commissioned for:
Centopassi Association of Torregrotta

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Cambridge School of Art

Currently Based:

Roozeboos tries to look at the world with a childlike curiosity. Something that is reflected in her artist name, which was her nickname as a kid. Her work is playful, filled with color and tells stories even through its smallest details. She has a studio in Rotterdam where she loves to explore different materials alongside her fluffy dog Mila. She works mostly in children's publishing.
