Adventure awaits


Un-commissioned | Professional

Why did you make this work:
In this image I was exploring new materials, playing with ceramics and textures. It organically grew into the beginning of a story of Mr. Rabbit Man who is ready for a new adventure in life.

What materials and techniques did you use?:
Clay, acrylics, cardboard, collage.

How were your illustrations used:
The illustration was used as a way for myself to explore materials and see if I could combine some recent things I tried out using clay and put them in a story telling environment.

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Cambridge School of Art

Currently Based:

Roozeboos tries to look at the world with a childlike curiosity. Something that is reflected in her artist name, which was her nickname as a kid. Her work is playful, filled with color and tells stories even through its smallest details. She has a studio in Rotterdam where she loves to explore different materials alongside her fluffy dog Mila. She works mostly in children's publishing.
