Becca Thorne
Marginal Habitats: The Hedgerow/Field Margin/Pond

A trio of original linocut prints celebrating the plants and animals of small, semi-natural habitats

Science & Technology

Un-commissioned | Professional

How were your illustrations used? :
Experimentation, Self Promotion/portfolio

How did you make this work:
We might pass these spaces everyday, but rarely stop and look. I designed the prints as narrow landscapes to create a visual journey, so the viewer experiences them as they might in real life: first we see large or dramatic animals, but a closer look shows the huge diversity of other wildlife. The series was meticulously researched via local Wildlife Trust courses & the UK Biodiversity Framework.

Social Media:

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Currently Based:
United Kingdom (UK)

Butterflies and birds, field mice and bees – the artwork of English illustrator Becca Thorne hums with the authentic rhythm of nature. Cutting lino blocks and printing with colourful inks onto handmade paper, Becca’s deep connection with her subject comes through in every hand-crafted image she creates.

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