Mel Northover
Breaking the News

A 500 year illustrated timeline created for the Breaking the News exhibition at the British Library

Site Specific

Commissioned | Professional

How were your illustrations used? :
Exhibition or installation

How did you make this work:
As part of the wider Breaking the News exhibition at the British Library and forming a section entitled Encountering News I wanted to create an engaging artwork that takes the viewer on a journey across time, encouraging them to explore the connections between encounters people have had with the news over the last 500 years, highlighting the comparisons and contrasts between those centuries apart.

Commissioner Company :
The British Library

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:
United Kingdom (UK)

Mel is an artist, designer and director at Northover&Brown, a multidisciplinary creative agency based in London specialising in visual communication. Her work is drawing focused, kinetic in feeling spanning illustration and animation & often playing with illusion and imbued with the humour found in the absurdity of everyday life. She regularly mentors animation students at Central St Martins.

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