Lingkai Lin
The Moon Rabbit

Children's Publishing

Un-commissioned | New Talent

How were your illustrations used? :
Book Cover/s, Book inside or spot illustration/s, Whole book design

How did you make this work:
Based on the dream when I was 13 years old, I created the story moon rabbit. It's about a little girl named Kefeng who didn't like to sleep when she was a baby. She likes to sneak out at night to check whether her family is really asleep. Until one day, she met the shining moon rabbit at night! Then she found the mystery of the world!

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Goldsmiths,University of London

Currently Based:

She graduated with an undergraduate degree from the School of Chinese Painting at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and a graduate degree from Goldsmith College, University of London. She is an illustrator who pursues innovation and enjoys challenging different artistic forms.

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