Fangfang Han
Data friend


Un-commissioned | New Talent

How were your illustrations used? :
Advertisement (online), College or university project, Exhibition or installation, Experimentation, Self Promotion/portfolio, Social Media Campaign

How did you make this work:
This project is a paper-cut stop-motion animation about data humanism. It's storytelling through interpreting and visualizing data into something that can be seen and felt. While learning the importance of communication between data and people, individuals get to know the purpose of data collection and know themselves better.

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Kingston University

Currently Based:
United Kingdom (UK)

Fangfang Han is an illustrator and multimedia creator studying illustration at Kingston University. She was inspired by traditional narrative illustration and stop-motion animation films. She combines analogue and digital tools to explore her practice on contemporary social issues such as consumerism, mental health and lifestyle.

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