JanJaap Rijpkema
The King of Beef

Portrait of Larry Goodman, Irish King of Beef, who evaded taxes via the Netherlands.


Commissioned | Professional

How were your illustrations used? :
Magazine or newspaper inside or spot illustration/s

How did you make this work:
I chose to construct this portrait of powerful tycoon Larry Goodman (King of Beef) out of cuts of beef. Goodman evaded taxes via the Netherlands. I feel this very simple idea works well: it is a bit shocking and a bit gross: it draws attention. The other illustration was placed down the in the article.It depicts the financial district in Amsterdam: ‘de Zuidas’.

Commissioner Name :
Follow the Money
Commissioner Company :
Follow the Money

Social Media:

Personal Website:

Currently Based:

I have been a designer and illustrator since 1997. Besides my practice I am a design teacher at CMD Amsterdam. I studied graphic design at St Joost School of Art and Design. I also did a masters in Visual Communication there. I live in Amsterdam with my family. I strive for strong editorial ideas. I am my own Art-Dirctor. Stylistcially I am eclectic: I match the style with the concept and mood.

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