Dexin Chen
To Live

Book Covers

Un-commissioned | New Talent

Why did you make this work:
I redesigned the book cover for by Yu Hua. I was deeply attracted by his talent for writing and the storytelling of the unnoticeable people in China long ago. I was deeply touched and felt sympathetic for how the main character has been through, as well as the loneliness of his.

How was the illustration used:
I did the cover only by my own interest and where my heart goes, it's not for commissioned, however, I feel the need, urge and passion to recreate the essence of the story.

How did you make this work:
I did the illustration on procreating at first, it's a large book, but I did not include all the epic scenes but just he himself alone to demonstrate the loneliness, the hollowness, and the coldness of the environment. (and the second version with people sitting in the bench). The main theme is he watching at the wall, but feels his stillness after all the tragedy he has been through.

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BFA: School of Visual Arts. MFA: Pratt Institute
Year of Graduation:

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